Romun News

ROMUN news

24 Ottobre 2019

ZeroHackathon 2019 – Green Generation: Young Changemakers for the Future of Europe. The Videostory! ZeroHackathon 2019 - Green Generation: Young Changemakers for the Future of Europe - The Italian Society for International Organization (SIOI – UNA Italy) in partnership…
4 Luglio 2019

ZeroHackathon 2019: Green Generation – Young Changemakers for the Future of Europe The official video!

#ZEROHackaton2019: Green Generation - Young Changemakers for the Future of Europe The official video! - SIOI International Youth Competition of Ideas on Oceans and Poles-Official Video #ZeroHackathon…
9 Maggio 2019

UNYDP 2019-2020 Call for Application

CALL FOR APPLICATION: Italian Youth Delegates to the 74th UN General Assembly 2019-2020 UNYD Programme Italy 2019-2020 Closing date: 14 June 2019 The UNYDP Italy is open…
16 Aprile 2018

#ZEROHackathon2018: The Official Video!

#ZEROHackathon2018: The Official Video! #ZEROHackathon is the international youth competition of ideas organized by the Italian Society for International Organization (SIOI - UNA Italy) in partnership…
11 Maggio 2017

The Movie: Videostory of #OneArctic 2017

#OneArctic - The Movie! ONE ARCTIC is the international youth simulation of the Arctic Council organized by the Italian Society for International Organization (SIOI - UNA Italy)…
11 Maggio 2017

Youth Arctic Roadmap – Rome declaration

Rome Declaration - on the Occasion of the Tenth Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council YouthArcticRoadmap-DeclarationofRome.pdf
1 Maggio 2017

One Arctic Program and Handbook

The final Agenda of One Arctic 2017 and OneArctic Handbook are uploaded on our website.
5 Gennaio 2017

The Movie: Videostory of #ZeroHackathon

#ZeroHackathon - The Movie! The videostory of #ZeroHackathon - the first youth competition for a sustainable future - the SIOI three days event that took place in…
21 Dicembre 2016

Official Video: #ZeroHackathon – The first youth competition for a sustainable future (SDGs)

#ZeroHackathon - The first youth competition for a sustainable future (SDGs). Are you available to share your ideas with fellow thinkers and technical experts? Are you prepared…
5 Ottobre 2016

The ROMUN Media Team Is Embarking On A New Adventure!

If you attended ROMUN last year, you probably remember them: they were the funkiest, craziest and most fun team of them all. But this did not mean…