Enjoy ONE ARCTIC Official Video!
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Video realized by: Olga Zaccaria and Francesco Paolo Burruano
Graphics: Nihad Arslanagic
Music: Epic Trailer, Art Music (JAM-WEB-2017-0005938; Certification n. 487579-45364).
Special thanks for images to:
Arctic Council (https://www.arctic-council.org)/Arctic Council photos: credit to Linnea Nordström
NASA’S Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio (https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/)
NASA jet propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Tecnology (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/)
NASA Ice Bridge (www.nasa.gov/icebridge)
SIOI photos: credit to Estella Marchigiano, Matteo Mirti (https://www.sioi.org/)