Romun News


2 Aprile 2017

Enjoy ONE ARCTIC Official Video!

Watch & Share using the hashtag #OneArctic! Video realized by: Olga Zaccaria and Francesco Paolo Burruano Graphics: Nihad Arslanagic Music: Epic Trailer, Art Music (JAM-WEB-2017-0005938;…
5 Gennaio 2017

The Movie: Videostory of #ZeroHackathon

#ZeroHackathon - The Movie! The videostory of #ZeroHackathon - the first youth competition for a sustainable future - the SIOI three days event that took place in…
21 Dicembre 2016

Official Video: #ZeroHackathon – The first youth competition for a sustainable future (SDGs)

#ZeroHackathon - The first youth competition for a sustainable future (SDGs). Are you available to share your ideas with fellow thinkers and technical experts? Are you prepared…
5 Ottobre 2016

The ROMUN Media Team Is Embarking On A New Adventure!

If you attended ROMUN last year, you probably remember them: they were the funkiest, craziest and most fun team of them all. But this did not mean…
22 Ottobre 2015


SIOI - The Italian Society for International Organization - ROMUN 2015 Youth Roadmap link to pdf. SIOI - The Italian Society for International Organization - ROMUN 2015…
16 Ottobre 2015

Onu: terrorismo e migranti temi per 500 ‘ baby diplomatici’ a Roma

  Piu' di 500 ragazzi, 4 continenti, 60 nazioni, 5 giorni di negoziazioni, un obiettivo: inviare un messaggio chiaro ai leader del mondo, "ascoltate anche la nostra…
10 Ottobre 2015

Model UN – ROMUN2015 kicks off (Press release)

ROMUN2015 kicks off with the simulation of the General Assembly reserved for those who are under 30. Sending a strong message to the leaders of the world:…
10 Ottobre 2015

L’Onu dei ragazzi. Al via #ROMUN2015 (Comunicato)

Al via ROMUN2015, la simulazione di Assemblea generale riservata agli under 30.  Idee a confronto e un messaggio ai grandi del mondo: “Per costruire il futuro, ci…
9 Settembre 2015


MEDIA TEAM OPPORTUNITY -  Apply Now! Apply now and make #ZEROHackathon an event to empower your skills We are looking for volunteers to intrested in building on…
20 Maggio 2015

New ‪#‎ROMUN2015‬ official video

So proud to annouce the new ‪#‎ROMUN2015‬ official video! What kind of world do you want to live in? Let's build our future together: register to and gather…