SIOI 2016 - All rights reserved.

– Good command of spoken and written English
ZEROHackathon2019 will enforce the following rules of conduct:
Name Badges
Participants must wear their name badges at all times; they are the only identification recognized by the ZEROHackathon2019 staff and other officials. Badges must be kept visible at all times.
Illegal Substances & Smoking
Any participant found in possession of alcohol or illegal drugs will be barred from the conference and sent home immediately.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is prohibited. The conference defines sexual harassment as:
Unwanted sexual advances that may take the form of inappropriate sexual or suggestive comments, sounds or jokes; unsolicited touching or fondling; unwanted intercourse or assault; Unwelcome requests for sexual favors; and such conduct that has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s academic or work performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational, social, living or working environment.
Incidents of sexual harassment should be immediately reported to a staff member.
Participants must obey instructions from any advisor or conference staff member, both inside and outside of event sessions.
Laptop/Cell Phone Policy
Using laptop and/or cellphone is strongly encouraged during working sessions for the sake of conference-related work. During breaks partcipants are encouraged to post photos and post about the event using the hashtag #ZEROHackathon. SIOI is not responsible for lost or stolen property.
Delegates are responsible for their own trash. After each working session, each participant is to clean his/her own area before leaving the room.
Meeting Room Use
Participants must respect the meeting rooms and furniture provided at all times. Delegates found writing on tables or chairs will be immediately removed from the conference.Participants may not bring food into the conference rooms.
Dress Code
There is no strict dress code for participants. With reference to the Opening and Closing sessions, a business casual attire is recommended.
Intellectual Property
Participants must respect Intellectual Property rules. Participants are requested always to check the licensing conditions for the materials they choose to work with. In case of doubt, participants should remember that their work is not intended as commercial use. Participants are responsible for the work they present and the attributions they make. Therefore, they will be responsible in case of copyright infringement.